This, I am afraid, would need a site of its own!
It began with studying theatre direction at the IAD and the RITCS Brussels.
Then years later, after being producer (eg. the experimental filmprogram 'DeAndere Film') at the Flemish Television (BRT), I started at the Univeristy of Brussels studying philosophy and mass- comunciation. However I did my PhD in Paris, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, under prof. A.J. Greimas.
The subject of my thesis was called Pour une sémiotique spectaculaire and was of course about the performing arts. Emile Poppe's PhD thesis was called l'Espace spectaculaire and can be seen as a second part.
During our years at the University we teached not only filmtheory (and semiotics!) but also a history of the performing arts. For our forthcoming book together Theatraliteit (Artez-Lanno, autumn 2013) we reworked a good deal of this material. And during the holidays we shot some of our first films (Casta Diva, Naughty Boys...)
With Emile Poppe I did research for the just recently opened Centre Pompidou on film and architecture. A selection of this research was published as a special number of VERSUS ('Wonen in Film', 1/1985). We worked together with the Archives d'Architecture Moderne in Brussels. During our years in Paris we worked especially within a workshop of architecture. Communications published 'l'Espace du Séminaire' (n 27/1977) and 'Voir et regarder'(34/1981).
My further work in the fields of film theory and film history - as Alfred Machin, cinéaste/filmmaker - was only implicitely semiotic. However my Verbeelding van het Mannelijk Lichaam (to be published by the University Press of Mississipi) could not have been written without my structuralist background!
Eventually I teached for more than ten years at the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, where I created the film and performance studies ('Film en Opvoeringskunsten') with my friend and colleague Emile Poppe.
Later I was guest professor at the Goethe Unversität Frankfurt, the Université Libre de Liège, the Vrije Universiteit Utrecht, the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris and the Universität Zürich. My book Te vroeg, te laat is about my stay in Frankfurt.
More recently I was 'writer in residence' at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
During these years I published in French or Dutch many articles on semiotics, filmtheory, etc…
With Emile Poppe, I edited the quarterly VERSUS where one can find many of my texts.
I collaborated also regularly to the French magazines Cinémathèque, Hors-Cadre, Cinéma 00 and Trafic. In Germany Kintop, Montage/AV and in Italy Cinegrafie published my texts.
For the Storia del Cinema Mondiale (Einaudi, 1991) I wrote about 'art nouveau' in early cinema. Accompanying the projects Imaginaire en Contexte several texts on this fascinating period of cinema were written.

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